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gates glidden drills dental sizes and uses

gates glidden drills dental sizes and uses

Gates glidden drills is one of the dental drills that are operated on Low speed handpiece of speed (500-750 RPM) that are used for shaping the coronal third of the root canal space.

Gates-Glidden drill's head is much shorter than peeso reamers drills and the shaft is thinner also.

Gates Glidden instruments have a non-cutting tip, blunt and stainless-steel construction.

The Gates Glidden drills are sold in packs of six sizes that have range from 1-6 with a 2% taper, also they have notches for easy size identification.

Gates Glidden drills may have short shank of 28 mm and long shank of 32 mm in height.

GG Drills are used to enlarge the orifice or the coronal portion of root canal, that last two sizes #5 and #6 are extremely dangerous that should be used with caution as they may lead to perforation in the root.

GG drills are used in brushing motion, the most dangerous areas are the mesial part of distal root and distal part of the mesial root of the molars.

gates glidden drills sizes

Peeso Reamers
Length Size Diameter (mm)
28 mm / 32 mm

#1 0.5
#2 0.7
#3 1.9
#4 1.1
#5 1.3
#6 1.5

GG Drills are used in order to achieve the desired taper in the coronal and middle thirds of the root canals, So the gates glidden is taken to the greatest depth apically.

Video illustrates gates glidden drills and their uses
